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The power and spirit of money

What power do you give to money?


- To embrace the ambiguity of our relation to money.
- To develop our ability to nurture a harmonious relation with money.
- To increase our wealth.


Individuals desiring to pacify their relationship with money.
Individuals believing that money is an essential part of their life for which the emotional and spiritual aspects are as important as the material aspects.
Individuals who are interested in increasing their power over their relationship towards money.


Inaugurated at THNK, the Center for Creative Leadership in Amsterdam, this session builds on experiential learning and case-study discussion to address three fundamental questions of our times:
- What is the role of money in your life?
- What is the role of money in your company?
- What is the role of money in this world?


A former professional athlete and oil company executive, Marc Le Menestrel is a decision scientist who researches and teaches at the intersection of economic and human values.
Associate Professor at University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain), he is also Visiting Professor of Ethics at INSEAD (Fontainebleau, France).